Reflection on 2021

Kid trying to setup a goal post for an upcoming football game

Dimanakah bahagia? Taman indah abadi… intan cantik juwita, kau tetap jaya sakti.

Krontjong Ensemble Pantja Warna - Mutiara, 1968

This year, was hectic. I’ve unlearned a lot, learned a lot, and relearned a lot. For the time is limited (I started writing this at 23:10 after I just finished an exam), I will express my ideas in via negativa.

To falsify oneself is a small step to being a decent part of the world. Sorting out what I want to know, what I must know, and what I must not know; what I hope to be done in 2022.

I went to many places in 2021: Deli Serdang, Medan, Siborongborong, Sipoholon, Tarutung, Kintamani, Jimbaran, Bali, Kuta, Badung. I wish I had written my experiences at those places at that time, rather than just keeping it as a thought.

I want to make more meaningful connections to people, animals, trees in 2022. Living things must be valued for they live every day, that’s hard enough.

Discussion and feedback